Terms and Conditions

1. Terms & Condition All transactions with Packs For Uni and its related bodies corporate, including but not limited to Packs For Uni are subject to these terms and conditions (“Terms”).

2. Agreement

2.1 The Customer agrees to adhere to these Terms.

2.2 Credit may be withdrawn by Packs For Uni if:

(a) the Customer: (i) exceeds the authorised credit limit; or (ii) breaches these Terms; or

(b) it so notifies the Customer in writing.

2.3 The Customer may be required by Packs For Uni to give security or other surety.

3. Payment

3.1 Packs For Uni may amend the price of the Goods and will notify the Customer by notice in writing.

3.2 Packs For Uni will provide the Customer with an invoice at or around the time of supply of the Goods.

4. Goods delivery, possession and returns policy

4.1 By taking possession of the Goods for more than 7 days, the Customer acknowledges delivery and acceptance of the Goods in good condition.

4.2 Where the Customer believes that the Goods delivered are not in good condition, they must within 2 business days of delivery, advise Packs For Uni in writing of the issue. The Goods which are the subject of a claim must not be returned without the prior written agreement of Packs For Uni and the issue of a return goods authorisation by Packs For Uni to the Customer. If goods are returned without a return goods authorisation, requests for credit may be rejected. Provided the claim is made by the Customer within this policy, Packs For Uni will arrange for collection of the goods in question by its authorised carrier and will credit the Customer’s account.

4.3 No credits will be issued prior to receipt of returned goods.

4.4 Credits will only be issued upon: (a) the goods physically being returned to Packs For Uni corresponding to the goods described in the claim; and (b) with the exception of damage or defective goods claims, the goods are in saleable condition and retain sufficient shelf life to enable Packs For Uni to offer the goods for sale under the standard shelf life policy applicable to the goods.

4.5 Claims made beyond the notification periods, or otherwise made or taken outside of this policy procedure will not be accepted.

5. Returns policy relating to specific types of claims

5.1 Errors attributable to Packs For Uni or its carriers. Claims must be initiated within 2 days of delivery, quoting applicable invoice numbers.

5.2 There will be a 20% restocking fees charged if the refund was claimed due to cancellation by customers fault or incorrect order.

6. Customer warranties

6.1  Packs For Uni shall not be liable for any loss, damage (including incidental, consequential or special damages), costs or expenses suffered by the Customer, to person or property, arising from the use of the Goods. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Packs For Uni’s liability in the aggregate shall be limited to an amount not exceeding the price for the Goods in question which has been paid for by the Customer.

6.2 Where legislation implies into these Terms any warranty and/or guarantee which cannot be excluded, the liability of Packs For Uni for any breach of such guarantee or warranty shall be limited, at Packs For Uni’s option, to one or more of the following: (a) replacement of the Goods or the supply of equivalent Goods; or (b) payment of the cost of replacing the Goods or acquiring equivalent Goods.

7. The Customer releases Packs For Uni from an indemnifies and must continue to indemnify Packs For Uni against any liability to the Customer or any third party for any incidental, indirect, consequential, special, punitive or exemplary damages whatsoever and for any loss of profit.

8.  To the extent permitted by law, Packs For Uni does not expressly or impliedly warrant: (a) the fitness of the Goods for a particular purpose; (b) the merchantability of the Goods; or (c) the condition of the Goods.

9. Force Majeure – Packs For Uni shall not be liable to Customer for any delay or failure to perform its obligations resulting from circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to, war, act of terrorism, riot, insurrection, strike, trade dispute, fire, earthquake, floor, storm or other natural disaster; damage to personnel, material, equipment or other property; or shortage of any materials or labour (each an example of “force majeure”).

10. Miscellaneous -The laws of Victoria, Australia governs these Terms.